[kde-doc-english]Pam Pam Pam Pam Pam Pam Pam Pam...

Éric Bischoff e.bischoff at noos.fr
Mon Dec 2 22:24:25 CET 2002

Le Monday 02 December 2002 22:02, Lauri Watts a écrit:
> I think, the best way, is let the authors deal with it to their preference.
> Some of the docs do have different authors for different parts, but others
> are primarily or entirely one person's work.


> There are a couple of chapters in KMail that do have different authors to
> the rest of the document.  It occurs to me that seeing that they can write
> a single section and get credit for it might be a very nice thing for new
> authors. Taking on a whole application is daunting, especially since the
> applications that really don't have any docs now, are sort of
> intimidatingly large - think Karbon for example.  KStars is another, it has
> tons of authors, and before 3.2, I might attempt to normalise the format a
> little (assuming Jason Harris doesn't mind me meddling in there again!)
> Credits are funny things, it does indeed feel odd to put your name to
> something 29 times, on the other hand it's frustrating to not get your name
> attached to something you worked very hard on, and I personally don't want
> anyone to feel like they aren't getting credit for their work.
> So, if Pam prefers to have just the standard front and end credits, but the
> translators want to have one per file, that's fine by me, and if it's the
> other way around, that's fine by me too.

Yes, for me too. I just did the way I did because I had to go quickly and as 
usually I had the translator's view on it, not the author's view.

The important and difficult part in that splitting was not to split the 
English DocBook files. That was straightforward. The difficult part was to 
try not to lose any existing translation during the operation. Now that this 
part has been achieved successfully, even though I apparently did it in a 
clumsy way, you can adapt the result to any habits and wishes you have, and 
tailor it to your natural modesty if you wish ;-). In any case, at that 
point, the translations won't suffer you revert some of my choices (*), so 
just go ahead.

(*) but if you want to split or rename files, you have to tell me or Lauri 
first, because it has consequences on translations

> The picky person in me would like
> to see whatever we do in a fairly standardised format, but I don't mind if
> it's a sort of "fill in the blanks" format, where the bits not filled in,
> simply don't appear in that particular file.

Yes, I suppose I have that picky bias too, and that I like 
each file. But that's probably just my taste for uniformity.

Journalist: "What do you think about occidental civilization?"
Gandhi: "That would be an excellent idea."

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