[kde-doc-english]New FPI's, New Entities, Other HEAD only changes

Éric Bischoff e.bischoff at noos.fr
Mon Dec 2 14:29:20 CET 2002

Le Monday 02 December 2002 13:39, Lauri Watts a écrit:
> So, do I have that all straight?

It looks so. However, it raises a few questions I would like Frederik to 
answer :

1) Where exactly can <personname> be used ? For that to work, it should really 
be able to appear both in : <para>, <otherdedit> and <author>.

2) Can <email> now be a direct child of <othercredit> and <author>, which was 
not permitted in 4.1.2 ?

Or alternatively can it be a child of <personname> ?

The question behind that is how to avoid the horrendous <affiliation><address> 

3) I don't understand why you want two entities for the person and his/her 
email, as they always appear together.

4) I relly want to enforce the "French system", so the reviewer, author, 
translator, etc, entities should be defined at the same level as the person 
and email entities. Would everyone agree with that ?

5) Would everyone agree with the following scheme (which assumes that <email> 
can be a direct child of <author> and of <othercredit>) :

<!ENTITY lauriWatts '<personname>
<email>lauri at kde.org</email>' >

<!ENTITY lauriWatts.author '<author>
<!-- dunno if <contrib> can be used here -->
</author>' >

<!ENTITY lauriWatts.editor '<othercredit role="translator">
</othercredit>' >

<!ENTITY lauriWatts.translator '<othercredit role="translator">
<contrib>Kiwi translation</contrib>
</othercredit>' >

<!ENTITY lauriWatts.proofreader '<othercredit role="reviewer">
<contrib>Proofreader of Kiwi translation</contrib>
</othercredit>' >

Journalist: "What do you think about occidental civilization?"
Gandhi: "That would be an excellent idea."

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