hi guys, I have a suggestion: mingw for some kde6 apps

Konstantin Kharlamov Hi-Angel at yandex.ru
Fri Mar 29 23:04:04 GMT 2024

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On Fri, 2024-03-29 at 15:44 -0700, Jon Maser wrote:
> Sorry, I’m a little hazy from meds lol
> But yeah you can take qt and the codebase and compile it in windows,
> but I just want some win32 or win64 cpp api in kde6 or gnome3 in
> Linux using mingw, so you have the option of using win** (that’s
> windows and 2 wildcards), so I can use win** libs, vcpp, eMacs with
> company flycheck and function-args, and design awesome windows apps
> that work in windows and Linux with stuff like the typical windows
> gui toolkit. i actually would like a mingw (i think it still supports
> windows guis) window manager with a full set of usertools, maybe even
> an explorer.exe clone, hack, or just something better for general
> purpose, a fork of emacs, advanced xwayland tools, but anyways

Since apps using cross-platform API such as Qt already can be run both
on Linux and Windows (ofc assuming the binary have been built for
specific platform since we're not talking about interpreted languages
here), I presume what you wanted here is to be able to compile Windows
apps from Linux, right? Well, KDE already has documentation on cross-
compilation here
https://community.kde.org/Windows/Build/Cross-Compiling Except it may
be outdated in places as it has been written for older KDE4. If you
feel motivated you can help in checking and fixing it 😊 And it uses
MinGW just as you wanted 😊

> And Microsoft is implementing Linux in operating system without much
> of a needed hardware kvm and other stuff, and I figure adding stuff
> like windows neutral api to kde6 and the userland apps could aid
> stuff like native kde6 on wsl along with mingw/vc++ code would be
> prudent incase we want to run kde6+ on windows wsl, or for the
> future, and there’s a ton of c/cpp/vcpp libraries and i think there’s
> some api support in mingw for more advanced apps 

The LSW, Linux Subsystem for Windows that does not require any
virtualization has been existing for decades and is called WINE 😊

> just a suggestion!

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