Fwd: kio-gdrive changes needed to conform to new Google requirements

Björn Strömberg bjorn.stromberg86 at gmail.com
Fri Mar 29 06:07:22 GMT 2024

and once again i forget to send direct to the ML.

From: Björn Strömberg <bjorn.stromberg86 at gmail.com>
Date: Fri, Mar 29, 2024 at 6:51 AM
Subject: Re: kio-gdrive changes needed to conform to new Google requirements
To: Carl Schwan <carl at carlschwan.eu>

this is exactly the reason you don't use google for anything that you care
about, they love to lure every one in to depend on them,
then they change the rules when they get enough users, many of who would
never accept the rules they change to if they had gotten them straight up

... classic bait and switch ...

personally i would say f google, and mark the module as dead/defect due to
google changed rules.

if there really is someone who really needs it, they will pull it back
through the invent process and becomes the maintainer of it.

just my 0.02€

ps. yes I know I'm writing this from a gmail account... it's one of the
main reason for the knowledge of the constant baiting and switching from

On Fri, Feb 16, 2024 at 4:07 PM Carl Schwan <carl at carlschwan.eu> wrote:

> On Thursday, February 15, 2024 9:53:39 PM CET Nate Graham wrote:
> > Hello folks,
> > The KDE e.V. board received an email from Google about changes required
> > for kio-gdrive. I've opened an Issue about it at
> > https://invent.kde.org/network/kio-gdrive/-/issues/1 with more details.
> > To my knowledge, kio-gdrive is maintainerless, so we're in need of a
> > kind soul who will volunteer to make any needed changes to the software.
> >
> > :) Any takers?
> I just looked into it and I don't want to be pesimistic but it sounds like
> Google is shutting us down.
> We are currently the 'drive' scope which allow us to access all the files
> of
> the users. This is the scope that google doesn't want us to use anymore.
> The alternatives proposed by google are:
> - drive.appdata: this allow only to access an app specific folder to store
> app
> specific data. It's fine if you want to sync app data between an app on
> multiple
> platforms but not much more.
> - drive.file: this is more a file picker API where the user can select a
> file and
> allow the application to use it. Again not helpful for a sync client
> See https://developers.google.com/drive/api/guides/api-specific-auth
> So we need to submit for re-verification and hope they allow us to
> continue
> using the API. We seen to be an allowed use-case according to their doc:
> https://developers.google.com/workspace/workspace-api-user-data-developer-policy#appropriate_access_to_and_use_ofs
> But it still requires some non-technical work:
> - Create a video of the gdrive workflow including the login and oauth
> process
> - An annual security assessment (not sure how hard it is to pass and
> hopefully
> it is free...)
> See:
> https://support.google.com/cloud/answer/13464321?sjid=5292936327783040555-EU#
> https://support.google.com/cloud/answer/13465431
> I can probably help a bit with e.g. doing the video but starting the
> process
> needs to be done by someone who has access to the google account (probably
> the
> board).
> Cheers,
> Carl
> >
> > Nate
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