Qt/WinFree bugs

Angus Leeming leeming at lyx.org
Fri Jun 10 09:49:54 CEST 2005

Chris January wrote:
> It's great that you've decided to use Qt/Win Free for the Windows port 
> of LyX but I must politely request you comply with the GPL by providing 
> a link to download the Qt/Win Free sources (hosted on your own site) 
> alongside the link to the installer.

How about:

[=LyX=] and [=Qt/WinFree=] are both licenced under the terms of the [=GNU 
General Public Licence=] ([=GPL=]), version 2 or later. The sources of each 
can be downloaded from their respective [=CVS=] repositories. Instructions 
on how to do so can be found:
* [[http://www.devel.lyx.org/cvs.php3 Here]] for [=LyX=] and
* [[http://kde-cygwin.sourceforge.net/qt3-win32/compile-mingw.php Here]] 
for [=Qt/WinFree=]

> It would be tempting to make an exception but then it makes it difficult 
> when we really do want to enforce the GPL's terms (e.g. a proprietory 
> program distributed with Qt/Win Free).

Sure, I understand. Many thanks for the heads up.

> Regards,
> Chris


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