Importing kdiff3 - was - Re: Aw: Re: KDE inclusion

Albert Astals Cid aacid at
Thu Jan 25 21:35:37 GMT 2018

El dijous, 25 de gener de 2018, a les 9:01:10 CET, Kevin Ottens va escriure:
> Hello,
> On Thursday, 25 January 2018 00:08:03 CET Albert Astals Cid wrote:
> > El dimecres, 24 de gener de 2018, a les 17:34:16 CET, Kevin Funk va
> escriure:
> > > On Wednesday, 24 January 2018 16:24:10 CET Michael Reeves wrote:
> > > > A little confused on where to start with this sponsor thing.
> > > 
> > > Huh? 'sponsor thing'? :)
> > 
> > I guess it's regarding the
> >
> > 
> > Which to my understanding was supposed to be a voluntary thing but it
> > seems
> > some people are forcing it on every single new project.
> Was supposed to be for any project born outside the community and joining
> in. So not quite so voluntary.

Ok, that's not really how i understood it, but fair enough.

> > As I did with the last person that also was confused and annoyed by all
> > this burocracy, just ask me any question you may have.
> Oh come on... the bad mean bureaucracy argument now. Wanna look at the
> Eclipse incubation process? Or the Apache one?

Can I use the "if all your friends jump from a balcony will you do it" 

> Seriously it's just about having a person already within the community
> making sure the new project needs get catered to and also making sure the
> new project is on the right path to put in place rules and procedures
> compatible with the rest of the community (and the Manifesto).

But how do you find that person? You're just an 'outsider', how do you find a 
random person to be your incubator guy? Because as it happens, it's the second 
time in a month or something that i have to volunteer.

I think it's much easier if we had guidelines and the rest was just "ask in 
kde-devel mailing list if you have further questions", and sure if you find a 
dedicated person for you, great, but requiring it feels weird, and also makes 
it for less scalability, as an example I already have an email from Michael 
that was sent only to me but anyone else in this list would have been able to 
answer, but he had to wait at least 14 hours for me to have time to answer it.


> Call it bureaucracy if you wish, but I think it's good to avoid people
> dropping code in a corner to then be ignored by everyone and wondering what
> to do next.
> Regards.

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