liquidshell in kdereview

Friedrich W. H. Kossebau kossebau at
Tue Nov 7 14:32:23 GMT 2017

Am Montag, 6. November 2017, 19:24:51 CET schrieb Martin Koller:
> On Montag, 6. November 2017 17:37:15 CET Friedrich W. H. Kossebau wrote:
> > > light color theme:
> > > dark 
> > > color
> > > theme:
> > 
> > Please consider using a non-KDE logo on the start menu on representative/
> > advertising screenshots (ideally some new liquidshell logo one, also to
> > help promoting it and building an identity).
> > Given the history meaning of the KDE logo as the logo of a desktop, using
> > the KDE logo will spoil the concerted effort of the rebranding done
> > (whether it was a good idea or not is too late to discuss) and only
> > continue the confusion, for no good.
> > 
> > So with the Plasma workspaces having moved to the Plasma logo, leaving the
> > KDE logo for the community, liquidshell should have and use its own
> > dedicated logo as well. (and yes, the start-here-kde icons would need
> > renaming finally)
> I'm very bad at creating appealing graphics, therefore I used exiting icons
> where possible.
> Is there some KDE artist who is willing to create a new logo for me ?

I recommend to follow and poke the VDG people 
directly with your requirement.

> Regarding the rebranding: does that mean KDE (the people behind the project)
> does not like to promote KDE ?
> Very confusing in my view.
> I really meant to show "that is a KDE (based) application" by using its logo
> - was not clear that this is not welcomed.

Surely we want to promote KDE, the community :) Just, like e.g. apps like 
Okular, Dolphin, Okteta, KDevelop etc. also want to promote KDE, the 
community, they do it via the entry in the Help menu or in the About data. 
Still they have their own logo/icon for showing off e.g. "he, it's me, okular" 
and have their logo/icon displayed as identifier.

The start menu icon here serves a similar purpose usually, it shows "he, its 
me, workspace product X/operating system Y". But not saying "I am done by A", 
especially when A creates different variants of the product type. 

And with the history of "KDE" being once the name of a workspace product, 
using its logo on the start menu like in the formerly named "KDE" product 
could trigger the uninformed people to consider liquidshell being the new 
"KDE". Adding to confusion and wasted resources in fighting those 
So better prevent from the start, so our time could be spent in bug fixing 

BTW, would you like assistance to have liquidshell covered on 
Seems it is not there yet.


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