liquidshell in kdereview

Martin Koller kollix at
Mon Nov 6 18:24:51 GMT 2017

On Montag, 6. November 2017 17:37:15 CET Friedrich W. H. Kossebau wrote:
> Some more branding oriented nitpicks:
> Am Freitag, 3. November 2017, 21:30:19 CET schrieb Martin Koller:
> > - uses existing KDE dialogs for most configurations, e.g. StartMenu, Virtual
> > Desktops, Bluetooth, Network
> Please consider saying rather "KDE Frameworks dialogs", due to "KDE dialogs" 
> being a concept which no longer exists at age of KDE Frameworks and Plasma.

> > light color theme:
> > dark  color
> > theme:
> Please consider using a non-KDE logo on the start menu on representative/
> advertising screenshots (ideally some new liquidshell logo one, also to help 
> promoting it and building an identity).
> Given the history meaning of the KDE logo as the logo of a desktop, using the 
> KDE logo will spoil the concerted effort of the rebranding done (whether it 
> was a good idea or not is too late to discuss) and only continue the 
> confusion, for no good.
> So with the Plasma workspaces having moved to the Plasma logo, leaving the KDE 
> logo for the community, liquidshell should have and use its own dedicated logo 
> as well. (and yes, the start-here-kde icons would need renaming finally)

I'm very bad at creating appealing graphics, therefore I used exiting icons where
Is there some KDE artist who is willing to create a new logo for me ?

Regarding the rebranding: does that mean KDE (the people behind the project)
does not like to promote KDE ?
Very confusing in my view.
I really meant to show "that is a KDE (based) application" by using its logo - 
was not clear that this is not welcomed.

Best regards/Schöne Grüße

A: Because it breaks the logical sequence of discussion
Q: Why is top posting bad?

()  ascii ribbon campaign - against html e-mail 
/\                        - against proprietary attachments

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