Help splitting kde-workspace
Martin Klapetek
martin.klapetek at
Mon Mar 31 10:30:20 BST 2014
On Mon, Mar 31, 2014 at 6:50 AM, Aleix Pol <aleixpol at> wrote:
> Hi,
> I've been looking into the issue with Nicolás (aka PovAddict) and we
> managed to figure out all repositories history except for plasma-workspace
> and plasma-desktop. The problem was that not only they were moved now, but
> they were moved back in the day from kde-base when kde-workspace was
> created. It seems like something possible to solve but it didn't look like
> something that would pay off, so I decided to graft those. If somebody has
> great problems, I'd suggest to use the occasion and suggest a sane solution
> before we all start working on it, otherwise I think that grafts are a good
> solution (you can use the time I'm sending this e-mail as a proof we tried
> otherwise).
> Other than that, the rest of repositories have been pushed with full
> history (AFAIK) and it seems to work well. If there's any left-over issue,
> there will "always" be the kde-workspace repository for reference.
> I just pushed as well changes in the dependency-data-kf5-qt5 file so that
> when one tries to compile "plasma-desktop" gets the correct dependencies;
> note that you shouldn't be building kde-workspace anymore. It worked on my
> system, I hope it will work on most systems.
> I hope this doesn't distort your workflow too much and that we can soon
> start to take advantage of the new, leaner, organization of the project.
Thanks for your hard work guys (you too Alex), well done.
Kudos & cookies
Martin Klapetek | KDE Developer
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