Moving Baloo forward

Thomas Lübking thomas.luebking at
Sun Feb 23 15:19:01 GMT 2014

On Samstag, 22. Februar 2014 10:37:04 CEST, GEO wrote:

> You could a share a document not containing any personal 
> information (a third 
> party document stored on your hdd), but the comments or tags could contain 
> information you do not want to share with others. 

And you might just as well want to share/store them - there's just no proper auto-solution. The filemanger/kio will have to ask about what to do with the metadata and then it's just as easy to drop them.

It should actually do so with *any* document type that contains metadata (docuement history telling, that says your boss is a complete tool...) but that would require knowledge of this metadata existence/format in the first place, so operating on the FS layer and using xattr or sidecars is far better then document specific metadata (an issue that could only be mitigated by eg. kio metadata plugins)

Also I assume that for increased xattr support, dolphin would likely indicate them with an overlay and provide rw access through a rmb entry?
That way you'd also see that you just copied a file including some metadata.


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