kwalletmanager ui refactor

Valentin Rusu kde at
Mon Feb 4 20:06:01 GMT 2013

On Monday 04 February 2013 03:03:13 Matthew Dawson wrote:
> On February 3, 2013 04:51:49 PM Thomas Lübking wrote:
> > Btw: does anybody actually use the systray thing?
> > I need to see that window ~ once a week and then just launch the
> > walletmanager (so the systray icon is disabled, but that's afaik not the
> > default, is it?)
> Is it really necessary to have a systray icon anyways?  Or would it better
> to use some alternate way to deal with wallets?  The icon seems to provide
> only three options:
> 1) Configure KWallet
> 2) Close all wallets
> 3) Launch the main UI.
> Instead of launching an extra program in the background for those functions,
> would we be better serviced by a plasmoid applet for dealing with 1+2+3 (or
> just 2+3) and using an application shortcut for 3?

Well, I actually plan to put in some QML UI, especially for the moment when 
ksecretsservice will become available.

> Having an extra program running in the background seems like a waste of
> resources for such a simple task.  Instead it could be launched only when
> necessary, and the applet would handle the quick use cases.  I'd think in
> the long run that would be the best solution for all.

The wallet manager is not necessary to run in background. As a matter of fact, 
it's even not needed most of the time. For that to happen, it's enough to 
uncheck the "show manager in system tray" in system settings/account 
details/kde wallet.

> Matthew
Valentin Rusu (vrusu)
IRC: valir
KSecretsService (aka KSecretService, KWallet replacement)

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