DrKonqi improvement idea

Niko Sams niko.sams at gmail.com
Mon Mar 12 19:00:09 GMT 2012

On Mon, Mar 12, 2012 at 01:14, Teemu Rytilahti <tpr at iki.fi> wrote:
> This really depends on how it'd be used, but perhaps yeah,
> this might be a
> good idea indeed. This is something I encountered while
> working on a course
> paper earlier this semester. Similar systems are up there for
> Mozilla
> (Socorro[1], shown in here [2], Microsoft [3] and Ubuntu too.
> I bet that
> LibreOffice might have something similar too, but haven't
> looked into that.
Interesting. But no system provides a "solution" I think.
Socorro looks very powerful - but they need to process much more

>> - user posts the crash, crashes.kde.org doesn't find a
> duplicate. User
>> gets the possibility to
>>   subscribe to updates for this crash to get an email when a
> solution
>> for his crash was entered
>>   by the developers
> I don't like the idea of having a separate place for comments
> and/or
> solutions, but that's just me. In my opinion the commenting
> could happen in
> a valid b.k.o entry as needed.
Sounds good. One place is enough and fragmentation would be bad.

> - If there would be a separate crash-site, could it be worth
> to allow crash
> reports without login?
Maybe. But I would say we need the email address of the user to contact
him back.

> - Data sanitation? Ubuntu doesn't reveal the crash reports per
> default as
> they might contain something which shouldn't be public.
Right. But that sounds like manual work.
But currently DrKonqi also just posts the backtrace.


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