Git Worflow, branch creation.

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at
Thu May 19 09:56:22 BST 2011

On Thursday, May 19, 2011 20:20:13 Ben Cooksley wrote:
> I see quite a few problems with that workflow:

thanks for the input; i've added some of the core issues you raise to the 
"Requirements" section of the wiki page. this will help us craft something 
that fits the actual needs of us all.

> Please reconsider your proposed workflow.

i'd like this to become "our" workflow rather than "your" workflow. we need to 
start somewhere, and here is as good a place as any. if nothing else, it ends 
the stalemate of "nobody moves, nobody gets hurt" around defining a git based 
workflow for our efforts. but it will only produce good results if we, as a 
community, take it on as "ours". not "yours", not "mine", not "theirs". 
"ours". because then we'll participate with eagerness and expectation. :)

those of us involved thus far are doing so because no one has really stepped 
up yet. however, we are not interested in dictating anything. we want 
participation, we want discussion, we want to come up with something that 
Works(tm) which means being completely open to adjusting any parts that need 
adjusting until we have something that does work for us all (as much as that 
is possible, of course :)

Aaron J. Seigo
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KDE core developer sponsored by Qt Development Frameworks
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