Requested Moratorium on hard to build dependency bumps for KDE Frameworks

Kevin Ottens ervin at
Mon Jun 6 13:46:03 BST 2011

On Monday 6 June 2011 13:05:52 Ben Cooksley wrote:
> Over the past few months it has become increasingly hard to use a
> distribution which isn't even 1 year old to build KDE trunk. Custom
> patches, disabled features and compilation failures are fairly common,
> and represent an extreme barrier to contribution.  This would only
> affect releases after KDE 4.7.

Could we talk about more specifics please? I'm not sure where this discussion 
should go on that ground. Also, I'm generally not a huge fan of creating a 
policy if that's only a transitional problem, or only a couple of specific 
dependencies which are painful to deal with.

Kévin Ottens,

KDAB - proud patron of KDE,
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