Requested Moratorium on hard to build dependency bumps for KDE 5

Ben Cooksley bcooksley at
Mon Jun 6 12:05:52 BST 2011

Hi all,

I am requesting that a moratorium on dependency bumps for dependencies
which are "hard to build" be enacted. This would affect system wide
components which rely on root access and are heavily integrated into
the system. This would not affect things such as UPower or the like -
which aren't heavily integrated - but only heavily integrated things
such as the kernel, X and ALSA.

Over the past few months it has become increasingly hard to use a
distribution which isn't even 1 year old to build KDE trunk. Custom
patches, disabled features and compilation failures are fairly common,
and represent an extreme barrier to contribution.  This would only
affect releases after KDE 4.7.


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