[GSOC?] Porting KDELibs to Android

Markus Slopianka markus.s at kdemail.net
Sun Feb 27 15:37:48 GMT 2011

I can't speak for the others but IMO the GSOC program introduced an unhealthy attitude 
into FOSS:
Get into a FOSS project solely for the money, patch something up in pre-alpha quality 
that's not yet good enough to be merged into the main tree, and leave after the money is 

While I'd like to see an Android port, it would be of no use if the GSOC student 
disappears after the payment and no longer maintains it...

Am Sonntag 27 Februar 2011, 05:53:47 schrieb Matthew Dawson:
> Hey all,
> Recently it was announced on dot about the port of Qt to Android
> (http://dot.kde.org/2011/02/24/qt-everywhere-community-android-port-announc
> es- alpha-release).  As KDELibs is currently working to target mobile
> platforms, is there any interest in developing a port of KDELibs for
> Android?  Also is there any interest in having a GSOC involving said port?
> Thanks for your time,
> Matthew Dawson

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