Moving the proxy model test suite to kdesupport?

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Thu Jul 15 16:48:35 BST 2010

On 15.07.10 17:14:30, Stephen Kelly wrote:
> Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> >>
> >> install the proxymodeltestsuite library if it is built (it is only built
> >> if KDE4_BUILD_TESTS is true).
> >> install the headers to ${INSTALL_LOCATION}/private
> >> not keep BC in the library.
> >> not make the library part of ${KDE4_KDEUI_LIBRARIES}
> >> not have the library packaged
> >> not have any applications link to it or use it
> > 
> > This won't work, the tests are packaged when kdelibs tarballs are built,
> > hence they need to be buildable from those packages too. That in turn
> > means that either all dependencies the tests need are inside kdelibs or
> > they are available from somewhere to download and install.
> The tests are currently inside kdelibs. I don't intend to change that. 
> I only intend to add install() lines so that application developers can use 
> the library to debug their applications.

If you install something as part of kdelibs you're bound by the kdelibs
rules wrt. bc etc. AFAIK.

FWIW, the Qt modeltest code was only ever available from svn and that
has spread itself too pretty well I think. So maybe its enough to brag
about the test library a bit more and people will just copy it into
their app-code temporarily during debugging?


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