PolicyKit + KDE

Matthew Woehlke mw_triad at users.sourceforge.net
Wed Sep 2 00:10:22 BST 2009

John Tapsell wrote:
>   The problem is "make install" in kdelibs/kdebase  has traditionally
> only installed files to your $KDEDIR directory.  However with
> policykit requires files to be installed elsewhere.  For example
> ksysguard now needs to install to:
> /etc/dbus-1/system.d/org.kde.ksysguard.processlisthelper.conf
> /usr/share/dbus-1/system-services/org.kde.ksysguard.processlisthelper.service
> /usr/share/PolicyKit/policy/org.kde.ksysguard.processlisthelper.policy
> To do so requires root privillages and modifies the main system - no
> longer giving us the possibility of playing with one version of kde
> which having another installed.

...and interferes with package managers. ++!good¹. I have to agree with 
apaku on this point.

(¹ pronounced "double-plus-ungood" :-) )

> I can't really see any good solution.  At minimum we could modify the
> build files so that it doesn't fail if you run make install as a
> normal user, although this means that any app requiring root rights
> would fail with authorization errors.  Perhaps this is sufficiently
> good.

Works for me, and is much preferable to not being able to install 
unattended my trunk KDE builds.

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