Moved polkit-qt to kdesupport

Allen Winter winter at
Mon Mar 2 18:39:23 GMT 2009

On Monday 02 March 2009 11:09:25 am Dario Freddi wrote:
> Hello people,
> as announced some time ago, I moved polkit-qt from PolicyKit-KDE's extragear 
> tree to kdesupport. This is the first move to make PolicyKit-KDE ready to be 
> moved into kdebase-workspace.
Should you add polkit-qt to the top-level kdesupport/CMakeLists.txt?

> Polkit-qt does basically what polkit-gnome does: a convenience wrapper around 
> QAction and QAbstractButton that lets you (developer) associate GUI items with 
> policykit action, hiding from you the complex policykit API and letting you 
> work with a nice, comfortable, Qt-like API.
> The API doc is already ready, I didn't manage to give you an example 
> application due to lack of time, since I'm busy with other KDE stuff at the 
> moment. In any case, you can refer to Policykit-KDE, that makes intensive use 
> of it.
Do you want polkit-qt's API doc to be available on under the kdesupport area?
If so, it must be added to the toplevel kdesupport/CMakeLists.txt and it must
also have a Mainpage.dox.

Allen Winter | Software Engineer | 1-888-872-9339
KDAB, Inc. | "Platform-independent software solutions" | 1-866-777-5322 (US) | +46-563-540090 (Sweden)

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