F11 - fullscreen shortcut

John Tapsell johnflux at gmail.com
Thu Jun 4 20:14:16 BST 2009

2009/6/4 Albert Astals Cid <aacid at kde.org>:
> A Dijous, 4 de juny de 2009, John Tapsell va escriure:
>> Hi all,
>>   After much discussion on kde-usability, I've added F11 as an
>> alternative shortcut for full screen.
> I have the impression the discussion wasn't interesting at all, you wanted to
> add it and you added it, even if people said it was a bad idea and that it
> would be interesting to have the input of a _REAL_ usability expert and not
> just users.

The majority of people there were in favor of it.  There were some
people not in favor of it, but then I've never ever seen any proposal
that didn't have naysayers.  There was nothing particularly
constructive from the people that said no.  I don't know why a _REAL_
usability expert didn't add anything to the conversation, but I also
can't particularly see what sort of input they could have provided
(after all, this is a consistency issue, not a
which-is-the-nicest-set-of-keys issue).

I have no idea how to get to any kind of conclusion on these issues.
We have no kind of authority to say yes or no on these issues.

There are a lot of similar types of issues that need to be solved for
consistency among all apps.  How can decisions be made on these


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