Application version numbers

John Tapsell johnflux at
Thu Jan 22 13:43:30 GMT 2009

2009/1/22 Allen Winter <winter at>:
> On Wednesday 21 January 2009 11:49:41 pm John Tapsell wrote:
>> Is it possible to have an application version just simply be the
>> version number of KDE?
>> The version numbers tend to be confusing.  For example, kate is
>> released with each KDE release.  It follows the KDE releases exactly,
>> so shouldn't the kate version be simply the KDE release version?
>> Instead kate is at version 3.1.3, while KDE is at version 4.1.3.
>> It makes bug reporting kinda confusing.  If I say that I have a
>> problem with kate 3, people generally think that I mean the version of
>> kate that came with KDE3..  And Konsole is at version 2.1.
> Coincidentally, just the other day I created a kdepim-version.h
> for kdepim apps to use which contains a version string matched
> to the kdelibs version that it is released against.
> currently it says
> #define KDEPIM_VERSION "4.3.0 pre"

You know that you could do:

#include <kdeversion.h>


> Someone needs to remember to update that string for every release though.
> I'm using this macro in KOrganizer and KonsoleKalendar.  The KOrganizer
> policy has always been to match against the kdelibs release.

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