Fate vs Bugzilla for feature tracking

Dan Meltzer parallelgrapefruit at gmail.com
Thu Jan 22 00:10:11 GMT 2009

On Wed, Jan 21, 2009 at 6:18 PM, Matt Rogers <mattr at kde.org> wrote:
> On Wednesday 21 January 2009 11:07:17 Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
>> hello =)
>> after a few weeks of (patient :) consultation with the Suse team working on
>> Fate, i just blogged about the possibility of using Fate for feature
>> tracking in KDE. you can read about it here:
>>       http://aseigo.blogspot.com/2009/01/do-you-believe-in-fate.html
>> so i won't bother repeating it all over again in this email.
>> it would be good if we could discuss this issue. i'm not really convinced
>> personally about whether Fate is The Solution for us or not, but i'm also
>> really unsatisfied with Bugzilla-as-feature-coordinator.
>> discuss! =)
> I have yet to see anything concrete from you (or anybody else except lemma)
> regarding things that would make Bugzilla easier for them or their group
> (other than your s/wishlist/feature request/ priority change that i royally
> screwed up and have yet to redo). If you know what you want, I can make it
> happen, we don't have to worry about another system, everybody's happy.
> Bugzilla 3.x and later have a few more features that we're not taking
> advantage. For those people that want an overview of the new features, please
> let me know, and I can find you on IRC and walk you through them. Perhaps some
> of the issues are already covered.
> I am interested in actively making bugzilla better for us, provided that
> people actually tell me (via the bugs.kde.org product on b.k.o or via email)

One thing that I would find useful is an easy way to review patch
attachements inline in the comments.  Especially for feature
development, it is likely that submissions might need to be reviewed
before being committed and this is much easier to do without
copy/pasting the diff first.

> --
> Matt

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