requiring .desktop files to be executable ?

John Tapsell johnflux at
Wed Feb 25 02:30:09 GMT 2009

2009/2/25 Michael Pyne <mpyne at>:
> On Tuesday 24 February 2009, John Tapsell wrote:
>> 2009/2/24 David Faure <faure at>:
>> > There is no migration tool, users are supposed to make executable by
>> > hand
>> > the few desktop files that they use from $HOME or Desktop... Only they
>> > can tell if it's (1) (2) or (3), that's the whole point of the security
>> > measure.
>> From the xdg list, the gnome guys are adding a migration tool. Might
>> be worth you joining and voicing your objections against the idea
>> there.
> Or at the very least against the idea of doing it automatically without user
> intervention. It's a different thing if the user asks for it.
> It still doesn't guarantee every .desktop file that users need will be found
> though, so I believe some kind of dialog will be necessary. I know they have
> code now to perform the permissions upgrade so the dialog itself shouldn't
> be too hard I would imagine.

Heh, I'm against such a dialog.  I can't really see how it can be
worded without just confusing the user even more.

> Regards,
> - Michael Pyne

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