situation with window decorations

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at
Fri Aug 28 14:53:53 BST 2009

On August 27, 2009, Matthew Woehlke wrote:
> The UI definitely needs work. Oh, and for button style, it should be
> "sunken" (<- "default"), "flush" (<- "KDE 4.2") and "raised" (as in KDE
> 4.1)... I want my original buttons back :-).

isn't this why we have the ability to have different window decorations? in 
any case, please think very carefully about whether such fine grained changes 
matter. i would humbly submit that the visual difference between sunken and 
flush, at least as currently implemented, is really not worth an option.

pick a way and go for it :)

> +1 to dropping stripes :-). +100 to dropping drag handle, it's *ugly*.

huzzah! :)

> > the good things in Nitrogen? it has those Exceptions which should allow
> > us to tune it to work better with other applications. cool.
> Exceptions was easily the feature that made me go "ooh, shiny". +1 that
> this is the best feature in Nitrogen.


> > let's leave ultimatums out of it until we have an actual impasse.
>  From past experience, I can tell you that won't take long. Various
> people have been trying to get Oxygen to accept just the non-blended
> title bars since before 4.0...

we can figure this out while avoiding impasse. we just have to avoid self-
fulfilling prophecies of defeatist thinking :)

as for non-blended tiltle bars, it does look pretty bad when used as a global 
option. and it leads to distros shipping with things like solid blue titlebars 
which then ends up being the screenshots of KDE4 in regional and national 
newspapers which gives people a very BAD impression of the beauty of KDE.

i think it's sensible to include it in the exceptions area for use cases like 
firefox, but perhaps it shouldn't be a global option. we could include another 
window decoration that provides this very easily, no? in fact, unless i'm 
mistaken, we already do.

Aaron J. Seigo
humru othro a kohnu se
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KDE core developer sponsored by Qt Software
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