Port KAnimatedSystemTray into KSystemTray

Friedrich W. H. Kossebau kossebau at kde.org
Sun Sep 14 10:02:19 BST 2008

Am Sonntag, 14. September 2008, um 04:36 Uhr, schrieb Aaron J. Seigo:
> On Saturday 13 September 2008, Friedrich W. H. Kossebau wrote:
> > Please, don't hide the fact that that guide is _not_ an official guide.
> it's as close as we have for the core kde libraries, though. i don't know
> why people are so allergic to the idea of consistency 

People are rather allergic to all-or-nothing proposals. And things that get 
pushed forwards without a real general consens.
I guess nobody is allergic to consistency in style for a given code block, 
it's just for the kind and scope of the style.

> and i don't know why 
> people who contribute little if at all to this area of KDE even care. 

You are lucky then, I can tell you. :)

> it's 
> not like i go around telling people in kmail (to pick a random example)
> what style to use or complain about their style.

They might care because they are open to contribute there, have a look at some 
parts, and even have modules in the works which are a candidate for inclusion 
there. :) And so they might care for entry barriers, and this includes such 
representatives nitpicks as where-braces.
Also, please for KDE being a community project normalize contribution a little 
by time to spend, not everybody is lucky to earn his money by this and can go 

Understandable motivation?

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