What to do about KShortcutsEditor and undo

Michael Jansen kde at michael-jansen.biz
Thu May 22 01:29:12 BST 2008

> About 2: it would avoid crashes but the behavior would vary. If the actions
> are deleted before the KShortcutsEditor you don't get undo on close, if
> they aren't deleted you get undo on close.

Ok. Do whatever you want. I will rephrase your sentence. If you use the api 
incorrectly you don't get undo on close, if use use the api correctly they you 
get undo on close.

> If you invite the low-level details they tend to stay even if you wish 
they'd be gone...

I think i would understand you much better if you wouldn't tend to those 
sophisticated sounding sentences my little mind just can't grasp. But they 
allways seem to express some slight sense of I'm better than you.


Michael Jansen
Available for contract work ( Development / Configuration Management )

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