KDynamicSetting new class proposal

Matt Rogers mattr at kde.org
Tue Feb 12 01:09:53 GMT 2008

On Monday 11 February 2008 11:25:22 am Rafael Fernández López wrote:
> Hi,
> > You need to find two apps that are using it in its current form before
> > I'll even entertain putting this in kdelibs.
> As I said, Dolphin can be an objective when Peter and me talk about the
> fonts issue we have to face in Dolphin.
> But the purpose of this class is also to sanitize some internal stuff at
> kdelibs. I consider copying code in two apps (for that reason we add it to
> kdelibs, for not copying), as bad as copying into kdelibs itself. If you
> took a look at my animations patch the code is just copied and pasted in
> some places, they have exactly the same needs, and future stuff with
> animations, the same thing.
> So, this is not a purpose of counting Konqueror, Kopete,.... this time.
> Policies have been created by humans, can be reconsidered in some
> situations, and also can be rewritten. Please, take in count, as I said,
> that apart from the good things this class can provide to apps, it is also
> for kdelibs internal health.

Now that I better understand the purpose of the class, I have no objections

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