Status of konqueror / dolphin as file manager

Matthew Woehlke mw_triad at
Tue Oct 30 21:43:24 GMT 2007

Peter Penz wrote:
> Currently the KFileItemDelegate implementation uses
>   QColor hover = option.palette.color(QPalette::Highlight).light();
>   hover.setAlpha(88);
> to calculate the hover color.
> I've just committed a fix to use:
>   QColor hover = option.palette.color(QPalette::Highlight);
>   hover.setAlpha(88);
> instead. This works well with the BeOS color scheme, with the "default when 
> removing the color entries from kdeglobals" scheme and should also work with 
> other schemes :-)

If by "other schemes" you mean "common schemes" and exclude the ones 
that I craft (that are otherwise perfectly valid) specifically to be 
illegible in dolphin :-). But... as I said, I can't think of any 
solution for which I can't concoct a corner case that won't break 
(except defining Selection::AlternateBackground to be used for this 
purpose, which I don't consider my first choice).

Unless someone has a better idea (i.e. a way to get a nice effect 
without a huge amount of effort, that won't break), I think you are 
right that we should try to make it work with common/likely cases.

Btw, what happens now when hovering already-selected items? Nothing?

<punchline removed due to distasteful content>

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