KDE4 release discussion, Was: KIO::NetAccess static methods question

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at kde.org
Thu Oct 25 20:47:08 BST 2007

On Thursday 25 October 2007, Hans Meine wrote:
> I fear the expectations may already be quite high, but after reading
> Aaron's motivating post, I'll happily replace "fear" with "guess" at the
> beginning of this sentence.

getting rid of the fear is all we need to do. replacing it with rational 
scepticism and concerted application of things like identifying, researching 
and fixing pain points (e.g. writing software ;) is all we need... 

/me gives you a great big hug.

> One thing that I still have in my mind is how much KDE 3 improved, not only

indeed; and forget KDE3. think how much KDE improved from 2.0 to 3.5 as it was 
essentially the same API sets with a few additions in each release (more so 
in 3.0 but hardly a revolution). we're back to 2.0 in terms of that same 

> in stability and functionality, but also greatly in terms of efficiency and
> speed.  Unfortunately, I know many people whose impression of KDE is still
> strongly influenced by the first 3.0 release, which was kind of slow.
> Probably, we should just remember this and make sure to tell everybody that
> KDE4 will definitely get much faster in later versions, "as seen in KDE3".
> Maybe people will recall the above change.

yes, we did nearly zero effective public communications in the kde3 days. 
thanks to the efforts of people like Sebas, Wade, Jos, Troy and many, many 
others we're waaaay better at that. we can still do better, and you're *very* 
right imho that we need to remember the effect of 3.0 and communicate to that 

Aaron J. Seigo
humru othro a kohnu se
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KDE core developer sponsored by Trolltech
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