Release schedule clarifications

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at
Thu Oct 25 20:39:17 BST 2007

On Thursday 25 October 2007, Sean Harmer wrote:
> Hi,
> On Thursday 25 October 2007 16:21:46 Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
> > On Thursday 25 October 2007, Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> > > On 25.10.07 16:34:56, Andras Mantia wrote:
> > > WOW, yeah. All my tests until now were on the AMD1.3GHz machine with an
> > > NVidia GeForce2 (nv driver) with only 1 small 1024x768 screen.
> > >
> > > I just tested the kde4 desktop on my Laptop, which has a Xinerama setup
> > > with 1400x1050+1680x1050 desktop and the KDE4 desktop doesn't work very
> > > well there.
> This was the case I had up until today. Aaron's disabling of the caching
> seems to have speeded things up for me. 

i've gotten a number of reports of this now. so one of the issues was exactly 
what i said before: wallpaper rendering is suboptimal.

here's the even better news: it still is! ;) meaning i should be able to juice 
more out of it given time...

> I'll do some investigations to see 
> how it fairs with an svg background rather than a bitmap.

the svg will suck more than the bitmap until i implement partial blitting in 
Plasma::Svg (so, given a dest and source QRect, paint only the dest into the 
source) ... it should still be a bit better than it was, though imperfect 

another thing we'll want to do is provide the ability to set the pixmap 
caching strategy for Plasma::Svg ... right now it just goes straight to 
QPixmapCache which is not optimal in all situations due to being shared.

we're also discussing panel-devel at how to dynamically resize the 
QPixmapCache to keep it properly sized for the needs at runtime.

> > i have no xinerama systems to test on here. people will come in to
> > #plasma and complain about it and will sometimes give some minimal system
> > information, but we *really* need someone with a xinerama set up to test
> > on and work on these things.
> I have tried todays build out on my desktop which uses the nvidia binary
> driver in a "twinview" setup, and also with my laptop at work which uses
> the binary ati drivers and there "big desktop" mode. Both of these seem
> much more responsive today.


> I'm interested in helping out with plasma as much as I can in my spare time
> (as usual quite limited), and I have a few systems that I can lay my hands
> on for testing with and without multi-head setups. I'll take some time this
> weekend to become familiar with the plasma codebase and then start looking
> at the background painting/caching.

awesome. you can find us on panel-devel at and #plasma on irc.

> Very nice work so far so don't lose heart. :-)

trying my best not to ...

Aaron J. Seigo
humru othro a kohnu se
GPG Fingerprint: 8B8B 2209 0C6F 7C47 B1EA  EE75 D6B7 2EB1 A7F1 DB43

KDE core developer sponsored by Trolltech
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