KIO::NetAccess static methods question

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at
Thu Oct 25 00:42:57 BST 2007

On Wednesday 24 October 2007, Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> Anyway, time will tell wether plasma will be the only kde4.0 library
> thats going to break BC for 4.1 or not and wether that will mean KDE 5.0
> is released a year after 4.0 or not.

just to make it very clear: libplasma is in kdebase/workspace (not kdelibs; 
not even kdebase/runtime), is replacing a library that *never* maintained BC 
(libkicker; heck, it didn't even install its headers so people would just 
statically link it in to applets ... i'm not joking) and is being rather 
forced into this situation with the advent of widgets/layouts for QGV only 
coming with 4.4 ...

so don't make libplasma a part of this discussion =)

btw, i too am all for this position: "we can make new API modules, on a case 
by case basis, 'private' and ship with a clear notice that BC is not being 
enforced yet; but our existing APIs (kdecore, kdeui, kio..) must remain BC"

iow, i think i pretty much agree with you. except for bringing libplasma into 
it ;)

Aaron J. Seigo
humru othro a kohnu se
GPG Fingerprint: 8B8B 2209 0C6F 7C47 B1EA  EE75 D6B7 2EB1 A7F1 DB43

KDE core developer sponsored by Trolltech
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