KIO::NetAccess static methods question

Rafael Fernández López ereslibre at
Mon Oct 22 19:45:37 BST 2007

> That said it's probably easy to add into KWidgetJobTracker, we're not
> forced to call show() immediately on the ProgressWidgets like we do now.

Of course we are not forced, but the reply to the question "it has 
only-show-after-a-few-seconds ?" is no. It hasn't got a explicit 
method/behavior for that.

> Actually that's a bad use case because you basically leave the user in the
> dark wondering why the ui is sitting there doing nothing.

Who said doing nothing ? On Amarok for example, when you ask for covers 
through the Internet you really think you are waiting for nothing ? In this 
situation we would see (assumming we have X albums), X dialogs popping up and 
down without even time to read it. If it used this API for that.

Rafael Fernández López

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