Desktop directory icons

Robert Knight robertknight at
Thu Oct 4 18:45:42 BST 2007

>  I'm guessing its KDE 3 and
> it's self compiled and you have something of Ubuntu gnome installed

Its a stock Kubuntu 7.10, I don't have a self-compiled KDE 3.  I do
have Nautilus and a few other key gnome applications installed from
the provided packages.  If I ever compile anything myself I always do
so into a user-writable prefix somewhere under my $HOME


On 04/10/2007, Jonathan Riddell <jr at> wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 04, 2007 at 03:05:34PM +0100, Robert Knight wrote:
> > In the Open With... dialog and in Kickoff before today, the icons for
> > the application categories ("Games","Education","Programming" etc.)
> > did not show up.  It seems that the KServiceGroup items are based on
> > the .desktop files in /usr/share/desktop-directories which I presume
> > shipped with my distribution (Kubuntu 7.04) and have somewhat odd icon
> > names (eg. the icon for the 'Games' group is 'gnome-joystick') which
> > do not match the names of the appropriate Oxygen icons (which I guess
> > are from the fd.o standard?)
> >
> > I temporarily worked around this by adding a map from the icon names
> > reported by the KServiceGroup items (which come from the
> > /usr/share/desktop-directory files) to the names of the appropriate
> > Oxygen icons.
> >
> > Does anyone know what the correct solution to this is?
> It's not clear what your setup is here.  I'm guessing its KDE 3 and
> it's self compiled and you have something of Ubuntu gnome installed in
> which case KDE will look for the XDG application menu in
> /etc/xdg/  Since we can't overlap files, Kubuntu puts
> the KDE menu at /etc/xdg/ and uses this patch
> Of course if you have self compiled sources you should also have a
> self compiled /etc/xdg/, but maybe you installed gnome
> after compiling.
> It's certainly not correct to change parts of KDE to use Gnome icon
> names.
> Jonathan

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