KDE4 default shortcut theme

Cyrille Berger cberger at cberger.net
Thu Mar 29 13:21:33 BST 2007

On Thursday 29 March 2007, Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> We should try to keep the number of global shortcuts to a minimum, this
> means removing stupid stuff like ctrl+F<num> to switch to certain
> desktops. Or 6 shortcuts to switch to cycle between desktops (Anybody
> here with more than 4 desktops?).

me :) I have 9 of them, most of them have a "function" (like having mail/im, 
or documentation) which means I use a lot the ctl+F<num> shortcuts ;) As I 
know exactly what key to press to access the desktop with the applications I 
want to access.

And their absence on gnome (and that I didn't find how to affect those 
shortcuts) makes gnome a nightmare to me (at least on KDE4 I would know how 
to set those shortcuts ;) so I won't cry if they are removed).

But please don't make the application shortcut have the preference over global 
shortcuts. Or at least it shouldn't be the default.

Cyrille Berger

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