Strigi Analyzers

John Tapsell johnflux at
Thu Mar 22 09:09:07 GMT 2007

> By the way, is there a possibility to have strigi also use other source of
information about a file than the file contents themselves? More
specifically, I think of using the digikam database to associate image files
with the information stored in digikam.

Hmm this would indeed be quite useful.

On a similar note, I'd quite like to use my mythtv database to
associate video files with the information in stored in mythtv.


On 21/03/07, Tobias G. Pfeiffer <tgpfeiffer at> wrote:
> Hi!
> On Wednesday 21 March 2007, 23:29, George Goldberg wrote:
> > Any suggestions as to what else should be indexed are more than welcome.
> Well, think of anything where you would like a search for this word
> resulting
> in this file to be displayed. Using that approach, we probably come across
> many things that are not interesting for the "Meta-Info" page of
> a "Properties" dialog of a file, but rather for linking files that belong
> together semantically.
> For example, from a C++ header file, you would probably be interested in the
> name of the functions that are defined in there, together with their
> attributes, return type etc. Same with Java files. In .asc files, one might
> index the names or email addresses of people whose public key is stored in
> there. Weird idea. :-) But I think, many of the existing KFile plugins
> already provide the functionality to get all possible within-file meta data
> out of it.
> Bye
> Tobias
> --
> Sent from a 100% Microsoft free computer.

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