[Cervisia] New maintainer needed for Cervisia...
André Wöbbeking
Woebbeking at kde.org
Sun Mar 4 08:34:41 GMT 2007
Hi Christian,
On Saturday 03 March 2007, Christian Loose wrote:
> Hello all!
> On June 14th 2003, I announced that I took over the maintainer seat
> for Cervisia from Bernd Gehrmann. I had a lot
> of fun since then. The source code was easy to work with and KDE is a
> great community.
> Fortunately for me and unfortunately for Cervisia, things have
> changed in my life. I now neither have the time nor the
> motivation (I have to admit that) to work on Cervisia as much as I
> used to. My last commit was in March 2006 and
> without Laurent Montel, there wouldn't even be a KDE4 port.
> Because the (IMHO) best cvs gui client deserves something better, I
> step down as maintainer to hopefully make
> place for someone willing and able to put more time into it.
I'm sad to hear that. If nobody else steps up I'll do. But right now my
time is also very limited so I'm probably only able to fix bugs and
finish the KDE4 port.
> Thanks for the good time...
Thanks for your work and all the best for your future.
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