Some changes in KCmdLineArgs, KAboutData and KComponentData

Allen Winter winter at
Mon Jun 25 00:33:39 BST 2007

On Sunday 24 June 2007 6:53:43 pm Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> On 25.06.07 00:35:29, Chusslove Illich wrote:
> > These classes are mostly taking naked const char* arguments, and returning
> > mix of the same, QByteArrays and QStrings, leading to chaos and pitfalls
> > when trying to handle non-Latin1 data. They are the only place in the API
> > where use of the I18N_NOOP macros, which are getting more evil by the day,
> > is required.
> > 
> > Therefore, I want to switch them as follows:
> The usual "warning time" for BIC changes is one week, so you're one week
> late. And looking at how much is affected by this I don't think this can
> be done. Remember on wednesday the alpha2 is going to be tagged so all
> modules that are tagged with it need to compile and be as "usable" as
> before the change.
> I think if this is wanted the change should be done next monday. This
> also gives you (or other people) to prepare more modules beforehand.
This is too big of a change to go in right before the alpha2 tagging.
If accepted, I'd rather see these changes committed 2 July.


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