KDE 4.0 Feature Freeze

Riccardo Iaconelli riccardo at kde.org
Sun Jul 15 14:16:14 BST 2007

On Sunday 15 July 2007 14:08:18 Allen Winter wrote:
> We should draw the line on new Plasmoids at 25 July, I think.
I don't think so. New plasmoids bear as new plasma features appear, and 
because they're not very big pieces of software that requires heavy debug or 
that can have lots of difficult bugs, the freeze is much less needed for 
them. I think that the right time will be when we will freeze the plasma 
features (so before the rcs), and we will be also able to decide which should 
be the plasmoids to ship with kde, and which should be 3rd party ones.

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