Some porting from KIO::Jobs to KJobs

Rafael Fernández López ereslibre at
Sat Jan 13 22:18:18 GMT 2007


David Faure wrote me an e-mail with some signal/slots that needed to
be fixed on the uiserver. Since Goffart suggested me to bring support
for KJobs to the uiserver, instead of KIO::Jobs (so we get a wider
range of jobs), I had to change some signal/slots connections. See the
attached patch.

I have been thinking about it, and I've seen lots of signal/slots
connections can be improved to use KJobs* instead of KIO::Jobs*, I
think I am going to work a bit on this before continuing my work on
uiserver. Please, if you think that work is useless, tell me.

If anybody complains, I will be committing this on tuesday.

Rafael Fernández López.
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