3.5.6 'make check' problems (base)

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Tue Feb 6 01:09:52 GMT 2007

On 05.02.07 18:49:14, Matthew Woehlke wrote:
> Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> >On 05.02.07 17:52:59, Matthew Woehlke wrote:
> >>I like that word "yet". :-) Hopefully it is honest, and in the future 'make 
> >>check' /will/ be run.
> >IMHO make check should already be run before committing any non-trivial
> >change in kdelibs and kdebase at least - in KDE4. I mean what does it
> >help if we start that in say 3 months just to reveal tons of failing
> >tests all over the place?
> ...and the choir continues to preach to itself. :-)


> One would hope... but obviously 'make check' didn't get run enough on 3.5. And 
> I'd *still* run it - on a clean system - as part of creating tarballs, in case 
> everyone thinks their changes are "trivial". :-)

Thinking about this a bit more, even the most trivial change can
introduce behavioural change which leads to the conclusion that tests
should be always run when compiling code. After all thats a pretty
normal thing among other build suites (for example maven in the java
world), where you have a hard time disabling the run of tests.

I thought that the dashboard would already do this and not just check
and notify for compilation errors. But I guess I was wrong there, I hope
this is something that is planned for the not-very-far-future. 


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