Closing all bugs?

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at
Tue Dec 11 07:37:29 GMT 2007

On Tuesday 11 December 2007, Thomas Zander wrote:
> start triaging them a bit more aggressively.


i just don't see this happening with 23k/15k reports. it's too big a mountain 
to climb.

then again, without a triage push starting at zero won't matter either. 

with a triage team starting at zero (with a library to fall back on, as i 
recommended earlier) would probably make a huge difference 2-3 years from 

if i hadn't taken on so many things to date, i'd charge ahead with this. but i 
have, so i won't. i can only draw lines in the dust and hope someone will at 
this point move forward. 

but i would never expect success with the current mountain of neglect. let 
them take charge of a new field, not the errors of their forebears. is there 
anyone one who would lead?

Aaron J. Seigo
humru othro a kohnu se
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KDE core developer sponsored by Trolltech
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