[PATCH] kdeui/dialogs/kmessagebox.cpp

Rafael Fernández López ereslibre at gmail.com
Sat Aug 25 20:27:29 BST 2007


I would like if this is OK to commit. I wonder if this is internally done by
Qt if it is compiled with RIGHT_TO_LEFT symbol.

I also wonder how this works on distributions. They always ship Qt compiled
with LEFT_TO_RIGHT so we have to check always layoutDirection() ?

For keeping quality on KDE, if the case is that Qt is always shipped
compiled with left to right support and we need to check layoutDirection(),
I really think we should consider take a look on how things are for RTL
languages. This "fix" is because KMessageBox is called from KPluginSelector,
and I noticed that when it was shown the layout direction wasn't respected
(I forced it on KPluginSelector to RTL for testing purposes).

Bye and thanks,
Rafael Fernández López.
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