clarification on git, central repositories and commit access lists

Thomas Zander zander at
Wed Aug 22 19:16:55 BST 2007

On Wednesday 22 August 2007 19:24:17 Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
> > I think we differ in opinion not on a technical but mostly on a
> > programming-workflow approach.
> you're right that it isn't a technical issue. we differ based on this:
> "aaron cares about having an agreed upon plan, even a sketch of one,
> that doesn't run us the risk of causing community issues and which
> sounds realistic."

Agreed, that's certainly useful to have. I always state the perfect 
situation and plot a course from here to there.

My attention on the subject is mostly on a different level, though. I 
don't have plans on rolling out Git in any shape or form just yet.
My focus is more on making sure that awareness of what this technology can 
give and what it (doesn't) take away.

I.e. Inform early, inform often :-)

Lets follow thiago's lead and continue such discussions on a more focused 
Thomas Zander
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