Which styles to keep?

Richard Dale rdale at foton.es
Thu Aug 16 23:16:27 BST 2007

On Thursday 16 August 2007, Guillaume Laurent wrote:
> That I agree with. Just don't let a coder fix the usability problems,
> though :-).
Oh really, this attitude is crap. For example, Will Shipley is a great 
programmer who is intimately involved in GUI designs:


Of course not every programmer is a brilliant UI innovator, but then usability 
can't just be bolted on as an afterthought, and unless the people who write 
the code are intimately involved in the UI design it will never be a 'great' 

Sure you can use average developers with no particular vision or artistic 
sense, and wheel in 'usability experts' as an afterthought. But if we're 
actually talking about works of art, and great UIs are works of art in my 
opinion, can you show me any great paintings are created like that?

-- Richard

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