Please remove noisy output from kdebug

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Sat Aug 4 12:53:50 BST 2007


would it be possible to remove the extra noisy output from kdebug when
its called after destruction (whatever destruction is meant here).
This makes kdebug output mostly useless in a shell when an application
crashes as you enourmus buffer to not have only these in it.

kDebugStream called after destruction; backtrace: [
0: /home/andreas/kde4/lib/ [0xb7a8e548]
1: /home/andreas/kde4/lib/ [0xb7a8e843]
2: /home/andreas/kde4/lib/ [0xb7a4d4c7]
3: /home/andreas/kde4/lib/ [0xb7b549d2]
4: /home/andreas/kde4/lib/ [0xb7b50a9d]
5: /home/andreas/kde4/lib/ [0xb7a681db]
6: /lib/ [0xb64c84a4]
7: /home/andreas/qt-copy/lib/ [0xb695cd4b]


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