Features for the new bugzilla?

Nicolas Goutte nicolasg at snafu.de
Sat Sep 16 15:32:05 BST 2006

On Monday 11 September 2006 16:12, Kevin Krammer wrote:
> On Monday 11 September 2006 15:45, Stephan Kulow wrote:
> > Am Montag, 11. September 2006 15:38 schrieb Kevin Krammer:
> > > I think in the long run we can't expect all users to do bug entries or
> > > comments in English.
> > >
> > > The bug reporter would need a way to specify the used language and the
> > > application maintainer would need a way to ask for translation help.
> >
> > And what if the provided information isn't good enough? That will create
> > a terrible mess. Sorry, but I think unless we fixed all problems people
> > able to communicate in english, there is little need to make the process
> > more complicated.
> I agree that it is unfortunately not even close to an ideal solution,
> however keeping out a growing number of users from the feedback flow
> doesn't sound good to me either.

The problem is that feedback starts at the user and ends at the developer. 

Sure bug reports in e.g. French or German can be handled by some developers on 
some products. But unfortunately it limits peer review, as another developer 
wanting to review a change would have to understand the bug report.

As for other languages or other products, they might be nobody (of the 
developers) being able to communicate with the reporting user.

> This is obviously a problem on all our feedback channels, one that has to
> be solved unless we want to stand accused of having first and second class
> users.

Sure but it is a general problem of communication. One must tell, the other 
must understand. If they do not, then a translator is needed. (That is 
already the case between a "normal" user and a "techie" developer, even if 
both communicate in a single language, i.e. English.)

> Cheers,
> Kevin

Have a nice day!

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