RFC: KToolBox

Matt Broadstone mbroadst at gmail.com
Sat Sep 2 22:06:24 BST 2006

Right - would probably help if I actually attached the class :)

On 9/2/06, Matt Broadstone <mbroadst at gmail.com> wrote:
> Attached is a replacement for the QToolBox that I have written. It's
> mainly intended to look MUCH better than the old tool box, but it has
> a few differences. Notably, there is no longer a concept of a "current
> page," as we had in QToolBox, also there is no longer a QScrollArea
> for each individual page in the toolbox, but instead one large one for
> the whole box. Lastly, you can choose a title and icon for the
> toolbox. Beyond that (sorry if I've forgotten anything) it tries to
> maintain as much of the api of the original QToolBox as possible so as
> to be somewhat of a drop-in replacement for it (not like ANYONE uses
> the QToolBox in kdelibs and kdebase, hopefully because it was too ugly
> :) ). Anyway - hope you all dig it, please let me know what you think
> can be improved, and hopefully we can get this in kdeui sooner than
> later.
> Matt Broadstone
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