Feature idea/request for KDE4: checkpointing

Full Decent kde.org at phor.net
Sun Jul 30 15:32:56 BST 2006

> > It's a nice idea, but I think this sort of
> > facility is better built at an application level rather than into the
> > framework - think autosave and session management rather than process
> > freezing.
> Process freezing (and de-frosting) is something entirely different
> from auto-save or session management, and also has different use
> cases and benefits (if it works).

Hello all,

I am currently implementing this feature as we speak. It is part of my
SoC project and I'm developing it in branches/work/soc_ksmserver. This
is a feature being implemented into the session manager and the way it
works is slightly different but supports your workflow.

There will be a dialog you can access from the kmenu next to Logoff
called manage session. It will show you a list of applications that
are running and which VD they are on. You can assign applications to
AppGroups. Then you can shutdown or restore an AppGroup by hitting the
checkbox. This will invoke the same behavior that occurs when you
logout or shutdown, however it only applies to the applications in the

The only difference is that it will ask you if you want to save, as
during a normal logout.

I'm not sure if I will implement the feature whereby you can shutdown
individual applications (rather than having to make an AppGroup just
for that app), this is largely dependent on how pretty I could keep
this in the GUI.

Will Entriken

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