invitation: try compiling kdelibs using cmake

William A. Hoffman billlist at
Thu Jan 26 01:40:28 GMT 2006

At 05:49 PM 1/25/2006, Mickael Marchand wrote:
>Hi Alex,
>I just did a quick try :)
>I have kde4 in /opt/kde4 and cmake compiled from cvs in there
>Qt4 (debug build) is in /opt/qt4
>I've created a b2 directory in my kdelibs tree (build dir), and ran
>cmake ../
>it did all the checks pretty fine apparently but it does not seem to
>find my Qt libs ...
>> CMake Error: This project requires some variables to be set,
>> and cmake can not find them.
>> Please set the following variables:
>mikmak at alhya:~/src/kde/trunk/kdelibs/b2$ echo $QTDIR
>does it require non-debug qt build maybe ?

Is qmake in your path?  CMake FindQT uses qmake to find all that stuff.


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