Proposal to plan for "Milestone Releases" on the way to KDE4

Jens Herden jens at
Wed Jan 25 08:13:25 GMT 2006

I from the side of a Quanta developer can say this:

We decide to make a major change in the internal structure of Quanta from a 
monolithic application to a set of plugins for the KDevelop framework for KDE 
4. I personally have no resources to make any new release of Quanta for KDE 
3.x and I think I can say that we agreed in the team already how we want to 
proceed. We are working on a kind of pre-release of the new Quanta version 
based on KDE 3.5 to give some people the opportunity to see what we are doing 
and to help in the process. This will not be a release for productive use.
After this we want to port Quanta to KDE 4 and we assume that the development 
of kdelibs 4 and KDevelop 4 has settled a bit already so that we can work 
strait forward. 

So I do not see that there will be another Quanta release based on the old 3.5 

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